LD 1766
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LR 2611
Item 1

Reserve Fund or, in the case of payments required under
agreements issued pursuant to section 1026-F for aboveground
and underground storage facility replacement projects, to the
Underground Oil Storage Facility Replacement Fund or, in the
case of payments required under agreements issued pursuant to
section 1026-G, to the Overboard Discharge Replacement Fund;

D. Take all reasonable steps to enforce the payment of
amounts due from the mortgagor.

The trustee for any bond or note issued in anticipation of the
bond, or, if there is no trustee, the holder of any bond or note
shall have has the right to bring suit against the authority for
payment in accordance with the contract or other agreement
executed by the authority.

Sec. 44. 10 MRSA §1030, as amended by PL 1987, c. 846, §11, is
further amended to read:

§1030. Incontestability

Any mortgage loan insurance commitment or contract executed
and delivered by the authority under this subchapter shall be is
conclusive evidence of the eligibility of the mortgage loan for
insurance subject to satisfaction of any conditions set forth in
the mortgage loan insurance contract or commitment and that the
requirements of sections 1026-A to 1026-G and 1026-E have, to the
extent determined applicable by the authority, been satisfied or
made conditions of the mortgage loan insurance commitment or
contract, and the validity of any mortgage loan insurance
commitment or contract so executed and delivered shall be is
incontestable in the hands of an insured except for fraud or
misrepresentation on the part of the insured.

Sec. 45. 10 MRSA §1031, as amended by PL 1985, c. 344, §54, is
further amended to read:

§1031. Loans eligible for investment

Mortgages Loans insured under this subchapter are made legal
investments for all insurance companies, trust companies, banks,
investment companies, savings banks, savings and loan
associations, executors, trustees and other fiduciaries, public
and private pension or retirement funds and other persons.

Sec. 46. 10 MRSA §1032, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1993, c. 410, Pt.
EEEE, §2, is further amended to read:

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