LD 1766
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LR 2611
Item 1

inclusion in a pool. The authority shall, by rulemaking pursuant to
Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II 2, establish requirements for
demonstrating project feasibility and for collateral.

Sec. 35. 10 MRSA §1026-F, as amended by PL 1993, c. 601, §3, is

Sec. 36. 10 MRSA §1026-G, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 846, §9, is

Sec. 37. 10 MRSA §1026-H, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 552, §14, is

Sec. 38. 10 MRSA §1026-K, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 319, §2, is

Sec. 39. 10 MRSA §1026-O, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 217, §1, is

Sec. 40. 10 MRSA §1026-P, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 500, §6, is

Sec. 41. 10 MRSA §1026-R, as reallocated by RR 1999, c. 1, §14, is

Sec. 42. 10 MRSA §1026-S, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 713, §4, is

Sec. 43. 10 MRSA §1029, as amended by PL 1987, c. 846, §10, is
further amended to read:

§1029. Insurance of subchapter 3 loans

1. Eligible for insurance. All payments required under a
mortgage, a loan agreement or related documents for a project
financed by revenue obligation securities issued pursuant to
subchapter III 3, including revenue obligation securities which
may that provide full or partial financing for more than one
project, shall be are eligible for insurance to the extent
permitted under this subchapter.

2. Insurance payment. In any case where when the authority
becomes obligated by contract or other agreement to make an
insurance payment with respect to any insured mortgage or other
agreement issued with respect to insured subchapter III 3 loans,
the authority shall:

A. Make the payment at the time and in the manner provided by
the applicable contract or agreement, charging the payment to the
Mortgage Insurance Fund, Loan Insurance

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