LD 1593
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LR 1972
Item 1

B. Any existing prescriptive program service plan or personal
plan is considered to be in effect until all persons required
to sign under subsection 2 have signed the new service

C. No prescriptive program A service plan or personal plan
may not be in effect longer than one year and 2 weeks from
the day on which the last person signed the service
agreement for the plan.

5. Review. At least 30 days prior to the termination of a
service agreement, an interdisciplinary team shall meet to assess
the present prescriptive program plan and, if further services
are recommended, to prepare a new plan.

6. Amendment. Any major changes in a client's prescriptive
program service plan or personal plan may occur only after the
service agreement has been amended and signed by the persons
specified in subsection 2.

Sec. 16. 34-A MRSA §5473, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1995, c. 560, Pt.
K, §59, is further amended to read:

1. Respite care. Respite care may be provided to any client
by a facility without full compliance with the procedures for
admission by judicial certification under section 5475, if it is
recommended by an interdisciplinary a planning team and a service
agreement has been completed.

A. The purpose of the respite care is for evaluation,
diagnosis or other clearly stated and broadly defined
therapeutic purposes of the client or his the client's

B. Respite care may be provided, upon application to the
regional office of the department by the client, guardian or
parent, for not more than 21 days at a time and not more
than 60 days during any 12-month period.

C. Continuing placement in the facility beyond the time
periods stated in paragraph B, if indicated, may be
accomplished only upon full compliance with procedures
described by this chapter.

Sec. 17. 34-B MRSA §5473, sub-§2, śC, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 459,
§7, is amended to read:

C. An initial prescriptive program plan personal planning
process has been developed according to section 5470.

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