LD 1593
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LR 1972
Item 1

C. A client advocate, if the client has no guardian;

D. The individual program plan support coordinator of the
interdisciplinary planning team which that developed the
individual program personal plan or service plan for the

E. The regional director or designee of the appropriate
regional office, if a client is being admitted to or
discharged from a facility or if a client is under the
supervision of the regional office;

F. The chief administrative officer of the facility or his
the chief administrative officer's agent, if a client is
being admitted to, treated in or discharged from a facility;

G. The chief administrative officer, or his the chief
administrative officer's agent, of other public or private
agencies or groups which that agree to provide services to
the client.

3. Contents. Each service agreement shall agreement must
include at least the following information.

A. It shall must specify the respective responsibilities,
where applicable, of the client, the family or guardian of
the client, the regional office, the facility, and each
public and private agency which that intends to provide
services to the client.

B. It shall must identify by job classification or other
description each individual who is responsible for carrying
out each part of the prescriptive program service plan or
personal plan.

C. It shall specify the date on which the review required
in subsection 5 shall occur.

4. Implementation of service plan or personal plan.
Implementation of a prescriptive program service plan or personal
plan is governed as follows.

A. No part of a prescriptive program service plan or
personal plan may be implemented until each person required
to sign the service agreement under subsection 2 has signed
it, except that if a client is to be admitted to a facility,
the service agreement need not be completed until 5 days
after the date of admission.

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