LD 1534
pg. 14
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LR 1922
Item 1

(1)__Claimants whose claims are secured must receive
their security.__To the extent their respective claims
exceed the value of the security for those claims, as
determined to the satisfaction of the receiver, they
each have an unsecured claim against the credit union
having priority as provided in subparagraph (2); and

(2)__Unsecured claims against the liquidation estate
that are proved to the satisfaction of the receiver
have priority in the following order:

(a)__Administrative costs and expenses of

(b)__Claims for wages and salaries, including
vacation, severance and sick leave pay;

(c)__Taxes legally due and owing to the United
States or any state or subdivision of the United
States or state;

(d)__Debts due and owing to the State and the
United States, including the National Credit Union

(e)__General creditors, and secured creditors to
the extent that the secured creditors' respective
claims exceed the value of the security for those

(f)__Pro rata distribution to members in
proportion to the respective amount of their
deposits and shares;

(g)__In a case involving liquidation of a
corporate credit union, membership capital of the
corporate credit union;

(h)__In a case involving liquidation of a
designated community development credit union, any
outstanding secondary capital accounts issued
pursuant to state law; and

(i)__In a case involving liquidation of a
corporate credit union, paid-in capital.

F.__Priorities for payment of claims under paragraph E are
to be based on the circumstances that exist on the date of
the liquidation.

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