LD 1534
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LR 1922
Item 1

meeting of the credit union's entire membership must be
called, no sooner than 10 days after notice has been mailed to
the superintendent.__A majority of the entire membership of
the credit union entitled to vote must vote to dissolve and
voluntarily liquidate the credit union.__Members may cast
their votes by proxy on forms prepared by the board of
directors and mailed with the meeting notice.

B.__Whenever there is a recommendation of dissolution
pursuant to paragraph A, the board of directors shall
provide the superintendent with a plan of dissolution.__The
plan of dissolution must set forth the method and schedule
for terminating the business of the credit union and may
provide for a restriction on withdrawal of shares or
withdrawal of share certificates.__Before the 2nd membership
vote required in paragraph A may be taken, the board must
receive the superintendent's approval of the plan of

C.__The superintendent may approve the dissolution of a
credit union recommended by a majority of the entire board
of directors but approved by less than a majority of all
members if the superintendent finds, upon the written and
verified application of the board, that:

(1)__The board mailed written notice of the meeting to
consider dissolution to all members qualified to vote;

(2)__The notice disclosed the purpose of the meeting
and that approval of dissolution might be sought
pursuant to this paragraph;

(3)__A majority of the votes cast by the members were
in favor of dissolution; and

(4)__The board has an acceptable plan of dissolution.

D.__If the superintendent approves dissolution, either by
vote of the board or vote of the members, the credit union
shall immediately cease to do business, except for the
express purposes of liquidation including the discharging of
debts, collecting on loans, distributing__assets and every
other act necessary to wind up and liquidate the business.__
It may sue and be sued for the purpose of enforcing such
debts and obligations until its affairs are fully adjusted.

E.__The board of directors shall use the assets of the
credit union to pay claims in the following order:

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