LD 1490
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LR 1914
Item 1

(7) The charitable trust must have in place procedures
and policies to prohibit conflicts of interest, including
those associated with grant-making activities that may
benefit the converted stock insurer, its affiliates, any
person who owns or controls any ownership interest in
either the converted stock insurer or its affiliates and
any directors or officers of the converted stock insurer
or its affiliates.

Sec. 6. 5 MRSA §194-A, sub-§5, ¶D, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 344, §1,
is amended to read:

D. In approving, disapproving or approving with
modification the charitable trust plan, the Superior Court
may not review or decide the fair market value of the
organization, including the methodologies for determining,
allocating and transferring the fair market value of the
organization, the methodology for allocating and
transferring to the owners the ownership interest identified
in the statement of ownership interests and charitable
purposes approved by the Superior Court or the fair market
value of the organization. This paragraph does not in any
way limit the appeal rights of any person under the Maine
Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 80(c) or under the Maine
Administrative Procedure Act from the superintendent's final
agency action on these matters pursuant to Title 24, section
2301, subsection 9-D.

Sec. 7. 5 MRSA §194-A, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 344, §1, is
amended to read:

6. Modified charitable trust plan required for a material
change in form. An organization shall notify the Attorney
General and the superintendent of the organization's intent to
engage in any transaction described in subsection 1, paragraph I
at least 60 days prior to engaging in that transaction. Upon the
superintendent's or the Attorney General's determination that a
transaction described in subsection 1, paragraph I is a material
change in form, notice must be given to the organization and the
Attorney General or superintendent, as applicable. Within 90
days after the superintendent or the Attorney General issues a
notice of the determination that a transaction described in
subsection 1, paragraph I is a material change in form, other
than through conversion to a domestic stock insurer pursuant to
Title 24, section 2301, subsection 9-D, the Attorney General
shall file an action in Superior Court under the Attorney
General's charitable authority requesting the court to order the
organization to submit to the superintendent, the court and the
Attorney General a modified charitable trust plan containing the

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