LD 1490
pg. 4
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LR 1914
Item 1

(d) May not have more than one of its directors
serve as a director of the domestic stock insurer;

(e) May not have as a director any person who
has been a director or officer of the
organization, the domestic stock insurer or any
affiliate of either during the 3-year period
preceding the date of appointment as a director of
the charitable trust; and

(f) Must have a board of directors representing
the people of the State including, but not limited
to, persons representing the interests of the
medically uninsured and underserved populations.

(2) The charitable mission of the charitable trust
must include, but is not limited to, serving the
State's unmet health care needs for the type of care
historically covered by the organization, particularly
with regard to medically uninsured and underserved
populations and providing access to care and improving
quality of care for those populations.

(3) The charitable trust plan must provide for the
fair and equitable use by the charitable trust of its
ownership interest in the organization to fulfill the
charitable mission of the charitable trust.

(4) The charitable trust plan must require the
charitable trust to report annually to the Attorney
General as to its charitable activities and grant
making relating to the use of its ownership interest in
the organization and to make that annual report
available to the public at both the Department of the
Attorney General and the office of the charitable

(5) The charitable trust plan must require the
charitable trust, at all times when the charitable
trust owns stock in any converted stock insurer and for
5 calendar years after any such ownership, to provide
audited financial statements on a calendar-year basis
and other reports, as may be required, to the
superintendent and the Attorney General at the time and
in the manner as either the Attorney General or the
superintendent prescribes.

(6) The charitable trust plan must state the ownership
interests of the charitable trust approved by the
Superior Court in the proceeding set forth in
subsection 3.

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