LD 1884
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LD 1884 Title Page An Act To Strengthen the Enforcement Provisions of the Maine Health Data Organi... Page 2 of 3
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Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §8705, as amended by PL 2003, c. 452, Pt. K, §§28
and 29 and affected by Pt. X, §2, is repealed and the following
enacted in its place:

§8705. Enforcement

The board shall adopt rules to ensure that payors and
providers file data as required by section 8704, subsection 1,
that users that obtain health data and information from the
organization safeguard the identification of patients and health
care practitioners as required by section 8707, subsections 1 and
3 and that payors and providers pay all assessments as required
by section 8706, subsection 2.

1.__Rulemaking.__The board shall adopt rules setting a
schedule of fines for failure to file data; failure to pay
assessments; and the intentional or knowing unauthorized use or
dissemination of health care information that directly or
indirectly identifies patients or health care practitioners
performing abortions as defined in section 1596.__The rules may
contain procedures for monitoring compliance with this chapter.__
For purposes of this subsection, a person acts intentionally with
respect to a result of that person's conduct when it is that
person's conscious object__to produce such a result.__For
purposes of this subsection, a person acts knowingly with respect
to a result of that person's conduct when the person is aware
that it is practically certain that that person's conduct will
cause such a result.

2.__Fines.__Except for circumstances beyond a person's or
entity's control:

A.__When a person or entity that is a health care facility,
payor, 3rd-party administrator or carrier that provides only
administrative services for a plan sponsor violates the
requirements of this chapter, other than section 8707, that
person or entity commits a civil violation for which a fine
of not more than $1,000 per day may be adjudged.__A fine
imposed under this paragraph may not exceed $25,000 for any
one occurrence; or

B.__A person or entity not covered by paragraph A that
violates the requirements of this chapter, other than
section 8707, commits a civil violation for which a fine of
not more than $100 per day may be adjudged.__A fine imposed
under this paragraph may not exceed $2,500 for any one

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