LD 1880
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Loring Development Authority of Maine ... LD 1880 Title Page
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LR 2758
Item 1

of the amount, if any, remaining to be paid and the amount
certified must be appropriated and paid to the authority during the
then current state fiscal year.

Sec. 11. 5 MRSA §13080-N, sub-§7 is enacted to read:

7.__Other capital reserve funds.__This section, including
subsection 5, may not be construed to require that each capital
reserve fund established under this section have the benefit
described in subsection 5.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill conforms the Loring Development Authority of Maine's
bonding powers to those bonding powers of other agencies of the
State and makes the authority's enabling statute consistent with
federal law by incorporating the changes that have been made to
federal and state law since the adoption of the Loring
Development Authority of Maine's enabling statute in 1993.

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