LD 1880
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Loring Development Authority of Maine ... Page 6 of 6
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LR 2758
Item 1

United States, in the gross income of the holders of the bonds to
the same extent and in the same manner that the interest on the
bills, bonds, notes or other obligations of the United States is
includable in the gross income of the holders under the United
States Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any subsequent law.

11.__Pledge of security interests.__Any pledge or assignment
of revenue or collateral or other security interests under this
article is valid and binding and perfected from the time when the
pledge is made.__All the revenues or collateral pledged by the
authority is subject immediately to the lien of the pledge or
assignment without any physical delivery or further action under
the Uniform Commercial Code or otherwise.__The lien of any pledge
or assignment and perfection is valid and binding against all
parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise
against the authority, whether the parties have notice of the
pledge or assignment.

Sec. 8. 5 MRSA §13080-I, sub-§2, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 474, §1,
is amended to read:

B. Apply to or limit the right of an obligee to foreclose
or otherwise enforce a mortgage of the authority or to
pursue remedies for the enforcement of a pledge or lien
given by the authority on its rents, fees, grants or
revenues or any other sources pledged by the authority to
the payment of its bonds.

Sec. 9. 5 MRSA §13080-K, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 474, §1, is
amended to read:

2. Payment of bonds, premiums and interest. The bonds,
premium, if any, and interest have been paid or a sufficient
amount for the payment of the bonds and interest to maturity or a
prior redemption date have been irrevocably set aside in trust
for the benefit of the bondholders in accordance with agreements
with the bondholders.

Sec. 10. 5 MRSA §13080-N, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 729, §10,
is amended to read:

5. Appropriation. On or before December 1st, annually, the
authority shall certify to the Governor the amount, if any,
necessary to restore the amount in any capital reserve fund. In
trust agreements or other pertinent documents between the
authority and the Governor, it must be clearly stated that this
subsection applies to the capital reserve requirement. The
Governor shall pay from the Contingent Account to that fund as
much of the amount as is available in the Contingent Account and
shall transmit to the Legislature a certification and a statement

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