LD 1866
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act Relating to Storm Water Management Page 3 of 3
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LR 2753
Item 1

from development and in sensitive or threatened geographic regions
or watersheds defined by the department under subsection 4. Until
such regions are defined, storm water quality standards are not
required to be met by a permit applicant.

Sec. 4. 38 MRSA 420-D, sub-§12 is enacted to read:

12.__Significant existing sources.__The department may require
a person owning or operating a significant existing source of
storm water to implement a storm water management system.__The
owner or operator shall obtain approval from the department
pursuant to this subsection for the storm water management
system.__The department shall identify significant existing
sources as provided in this subsection.

A.__The department shall develop a total maximum daily load
for the watershed of a waterbody impaired due to urban
runoff prior to designating significant existing sources
within the watershed.

B.__The department shall adopt rules prior to requiring that
an owner or operator of a significant existing source within
the direct watershed of a specific waterbody obtain approval
of a storm water management system.__The rules must include
provisions requiring the following:

(1)__The name of or other means of identifying the
waterbody that is impaired due to urban runoff;

(2)__A list of significant existing sources or a
description of the types or classes of significant
existing sources;

(3)__A date or schedule indicating when approvals must
be obtained; and

(4)__Storm water quantity and quality standards for
storm water management systems.

C.__The owner or operator of a site designated as a
significant existing source shall apply to the department
for approval of a storm water management system.

D.__For purposes of this subsection, a "significant existing
source" is a significant source of storm water quantity
pollution or quality pollution from a developed area that
was in existence prior to July 1, 1997 and is located in the
direct watershed of a waterbody that is impaired due to
urban runoff.__Significant existing sources do not include:

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