LD 1683
pg. 4
Page 3 of 7 An Act Creating the Central Maine Regional Public Safety Communication Center ... Page 5 of 7
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LR 2241
Item 1

the establishment of the center and that have also joined the

A. The board of directors shall, through procedures it
adopts, add 4 advisory board members who serve the board of
directors in an advisory capacity but have no power to bind
the center. Each of the 4 advisory members must be selected
to represent the interests of one of the following public
safety and service agencies: fire, police, ambulance and
emergency medical services and general governmental
services. The 4 advisory board members may not vote on
matters related to financial issues but may register
advisory votes on any other policy or procedural issues as
determined by a simple majority of the board of directors.

B. The board of directors shall operate for a period not to
exceed 3 years from the date of the center's inception. At
the end of that period, the terms of the initial board
members terminate and a permanent board of directors must be
established. A participating entity may not have more than
2 representatives serving on the board of directors. The
permanent board members serve at the pleasure of their
appointing authorities. If they participate in the center,
the following entities may have representatives on the
permanent board of directors:

(1) The Maine State Police, appointed by the Chief of
the State Police;

(2) The Kennebec County Commissioners, appointed by
the chair of the Kennebec County Commissioners;

(3) Each of the 5 largest municipalities, by
population, appointed by their municipal governing

(4) Two municipalities appointed by the governing
council as at-large directors for 2-year terms. At-
large directors may be reelected and are not restricted
from serving more than one term;

(5) Public service sectors: fire, police, ambulance
and emergency medical services and nonemergency
ancillary governmental services represented by 4
advisory board members selected pursuant to a procedure
adopted by the board. The 4 advisory members may not
vote on matters related to financial issues but may
register advisory votes on any other policy or
procedural issues as determined by a simple majority of
the board of directors; and

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