LD 1683
pg. 3
Page 2 of 7 An Act Creating the Central Maine Regional Public Safety Communication Center ... Page 4 of 7
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LR 2241
Item 1

Sec. 3. Governance. The following provisions govern the center.

1. Governing council. The center operates under a governing

A. The governing council consists of one voting member from
each participating municipality and one from each
participating agency that uses the services of the center.

B. The governing council must meet at least twice annually
to establish and review center policies and to provide
guidance to the center's board of directors.

C. The governing council may override a decision of the
board of directors when at least 5 governing council members
sign a petition requesting a special meeting of the council
and approve a motion to override by a weighted 2/3 vote, as
described in paragraph D, of those council members present
at the special meeting.

D. Each participating entity may cast one vote and all
votes of the governing council are tabulated as described in
this paragraph. The municipalities vote in a weighted
manner that is calculated based upon the total population of
each municipality as a proportion of the total population of
all the municipalities that use the services of the center.
The governing council shall utilize the most recent
decennial census data for determining the population of a
participating municipality. If participating in the center,
the Maine State Police representative has the same weighted
vote as the most populous municipality that uses the
services of the center. If participating in the center,
Kennebec County has a weighted vote equal to 1/2 of the
weighted vote of the most populous municipality that uses
the services of the center. At the first annual meeting of
the governing council during each year of the center's
operation, the exact weight of each council member's vote
must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting and be
distributed to each member of the governing council.

2. Board of directors. The board of directors of the center
consists of representatives from the following agencies and
municipalities that participated in the center's feasibility and
implementation studies, if those governmental units choose to
participate in the center: the Maine State Police, the Kennebec
County Sheriff's office, Augusta, Gardiner, Oakland, Waterville
and Winslow. The board of directors must also include 2 at-large
members selected by the governing council who represent
municipalities that are served by a dispatch system that preceded

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