LD 1611
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Item 1

Health Data Processing Center, including any activity contracted
for by the organization, and on health care trends to the
Governor and the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over health and human services matters no
later than February 1st of each year. The report must include an
annual accounting of all revenue received and expenditures
incurred in the previous year and all revenue and expenditures
planned for the next year. The report must include a list of
persons or entities that requested data from the organization in
the preceding year with a brief summary of the stated purpose of
the request.

Sec. C-23. 22 MRSA §8707, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 653, Pt.
A, §2 and affected by §7, is amended to read:

2. Notice and comment period. The rules must establish
criteria for determining whether information is confidential
clinical data, confidential commercial data or privileged medical
information and adopt procedures to give affected health care
providers, facilities and payors notice and opportunity to
comment in response to requests for information that may be
considered confidential or privileged.

Sec. C-24. 22 MRSA §8708, sub-§6-B is enacted to read:

6-B.__Quality data.__Pursuant to rules adopted by the board
for form, medium, content and period for filing, providers shall
file with the organization quality data.__Quality data must
include data that help consumers make informed choices regarding
their health care services.__In developing the rules, the board
shall collaborate with other agencies, professional associations
and entities working in the field of health care data.

Sec. C-25. 22 MRSA §8711, sub-§3 is enacted to read:

3.__Most commonly performed services and procedures.__The
organization shall develop an annual report of the 10 services
and procedures most often provided by osteopathic and allopathic
physicians in the private office setting in this State.__The
organization shall make this report available to all physician
practices in the State.__The first report must be produced and
published by July 1, 2004.

Sec. C-26. 22 MRSA §8712 is enacted to read:

§8712.__Reports for consumer use

1.__Price reports.__The organization, with direction from the
board, shall develop clearly labeled and easy-to-understand price
reports for consumer use. At a minimum, the organization

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