LD 1611
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LR 2137
Item 1

(1) To use, build and improve upon and coordinate
existing data sources and measurement efforts through
the integration of data systems and standardization of

(2) To coordinate the development of a linked public
and private sector information system;

(3) To emphasize data that is useful, relevant and is
not duplicative of existing data;

(4) To minimize the burden on those providing data;

(5) To preserve the reliability, accuracy and
integrity of collected data while ensuring that the
data is available in the public domain; and

(6) To collect information from providers who were
required to file data with the Maine Health Care
Finance Commission. The organization may collect
information from additional providers only when a
linked information system for the electronic
transmission, collection and storage of data is
reasonably available to providers.

(7)__To develop annually, either independently or in
conjunction with another state entity, meaningful,
easy-to-understand reports of quality data for
distribution on a publicly accessible Internet site or,
through the creation of a list of interested parties or
through a specific request by a member of the public,
via mail or electronic mail;

(8)__To periodically produce, either independently or
in conjunction with another state entity, at least
annually, the reports described in section 8712 on a
publicly accessible Internet site or, through the
creation of a list of interested parties or through a
specific request by a member of the public, via mail or
electronic mail; and

(9)__To publish at least once per year in the major in-
state newspapers the availability of the quality data
and price reports described in section 8712.

Sec. C-22. 22 MRSA §8704, sub-§7, as amended by PL 2001, c. 457, §9,
is further amended to read:

7. Annual report. The board shall prepare and submit an
annual report on the operation of the organization and the Maine

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