LD 1600
pg. 52
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LR 2121
Item 1

§10308.__Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund Board

The Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund Board is established within
the department and shall carry out its duties in accordance with
this section.

1.__Members.__The board consists of 7 members.__The
commissioner, the Commissioner of Conservation and the
Coordinator of the Natural Areas Program are permanent members
and their designees may represent them at board meetings.__The
Governor shall appoint the remaining 4 citizen members subject to
the review of the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over natural resources matters and
confirmation by the Senate.__One of these members must be a
representative of a state sportsmen's organization, one must be a
representative of a state wildlife conservation organization and
one must work in a field related to natural resources.

2.__Terms.__The Governor shall appoint citizen members to
staggered 4-year terms.__Appointed citizens may not serve more
than 2 consecutive 4-year terms.

3.__Chair.__The Governor shall appoint a citizen member of the
board to serve as chair.__The chair may not serve more than 2
consecutive 4-year terms.

4.__Board meetings, rules and administration.__The board shall
conduct its meetings as follows.

A.__The board shall meet at least 3 times a year at the call
of the chair.

B.__The board, acting in accordance with the Maine
Administrative Procedure Act, may adopt any rules necessary
for the conduct of its business.__The board shall adopt by
rule a schedule for submission and action on grant proposals
submitted pursuant to subsection 5, paragraph B.

C.__Appointed citizen members are entitled to compensation
equal to legislative per diem and travel expenses under
Title 5, section 12004-G, subsection 29-B while engaged in
board activities.

D.__A quorum of the board for the transaction of business is
4 members.

E.__Board members are governed by the conflict of interest
provisions in Title 5, section 18.

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