LD 1600
pg. 51
Page 50 of 360 An Act To Recodify the Laws Governing Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Page 52 of 360
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LR 2121
Item 1

resources agencies.__It is the intent of the Legislature that a
grant received from the fund not be considered a substitute for
funds previously appropriated or allocated to a natural resources

§10305.__Fund availability

The fund must be available to natural resources agencies in
accordance with section 10307.__Natural resources agencies may
contract with nongovernmental organizations and individuals for
the purpose of carrying out projects funded by the fund.

§10306.__Fund administration

The Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund Board shall administer the

§10307.__Expenditures from fund; distribution

The board shall make grants, applications for which must be
reviewed in accordance with section 10309, to natural resources
agencies for projects found consistent with the criteria and the
strategic plan adopted by the board pursuant to section 10308,
subsection 5, paragraph A.__Except as otherwise provided in this
subchapter, the board shall distribute annually available grant
money as follows:

1.__Fisheries and wildlife; habitat conservation.__Thirty-five
percent of the money in the fund for fisheries and wildlife and
habitat conservation projects;

2.__Public lands and access; outdoor recreation sites and
facilities.__Thirty-five percent of the money in the fund for
acquisition and management of public lands, parks, wildlife
conservation areas and public access and outdoor recreation sites
and facilities;

3.__Endangered and threatened species.__Fifteen percent of the
money in the fund for endangered and threatened species
conservation projects; and

4.__Natural resources law enforcement.__Fifteen percent of the
money in the fund for natural resources law enforcement.

The board is authorized to carry forward money in any of the
percentage categories of this section into a successive year in
the same category in the event that this carry-over better serves
the strategic plan or that no grant applications in a particular
year adhere to the strategic plan for a particular percentage

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