LD 1600
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Page 17 of 360 An Act To Recodify the Laws Governing Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Page 19 of 360
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LR 2121
Item 1

charged with the duty of administering. These rules duly adopted
have the full force and effect of law and are effective upon
filing with the Secretary of State, unless a later date is
required by statute or specified in the rule.

2.__Filing of rules. The commissioner may file certified
copies of all rules adopted by the commissioner and any and all
amendments to the rules with the clerks of the District Court and
Superior Court. These certified copies are considered official
publications of the State for all purposes, including, but not
limited to, the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 44(a)(1) and
the Maine Rules of Evidence, Rule 902 (5), and judicial notice
must be taken accordingly.__A facsimile of the signature of the
commissioner imprinted by or at the commissioner's discretion
upon any such certificate of true copy has the same validity as
the commissioner's written signature.

§10105.__Other powers

1.__ Authority to issue permits.__Whenever the commissioner
determines it necessary for the accomplishment of the
commissioner's statutory duties, the commissioner may issue
permits authorizing persons to assist the commissioner in the
taking and destruction of any wildlife.

A person may not engage in an activity for which a permit may be
issued under this subsection and for which that person does not
have a valid permit.__Each day a person violates this subsection
that person commits a Class E crime for which a minimum fine of
$50 and an amount equal to twice the applicable license fee must
be imposed.

2.__Commissioner's authority to terminate season.__The
commissioner may terminate open season on coyote hunting at any
time in any area if, in the commissioner's opinion, an immediate
emergency action is necessary due to adverse weather conditions
or unlawful hunting activity.

3.__Coyote control program.__Pursuant to section 10053,
subsection 8, the commissioner shall maintain a coyote control
program as follows.

A.__The commissioner may employ qualified persons to serve
as agents of the department for purposes of coyote control.__
These agents must be trained by the department in animal
damage control techniques and must be utilized by the
department to perform coyote control duties in areas where
predation by coyotes is posing a threat to deer or other
wildlife.__Each agent shall execute a cooperative agreement
with the department specifying the conditions and

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