LD 1600
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LR 2121
Item 1

available for public inspection within 180 days after the close
of the fiscal year that is the subject of the report.

10.__Water level danger zones.__The commissioner may
establish, in accordance with section 10104, subsection 1, water
level danger zones.__These zones are areas of rivers and streams
below water impoundment that are subject to rapidly changing
water levels.__The commissioner may adopt rules to protect
individuals using those areas for hunting, fishing, trapping and
boating purposes.__The commissioner may not regulate the flow of
water under this section.

11.__Report to Legislature.__The commissioner shall submit an
annual report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs and
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over inland fisheries and wildlife matters.__This
report must identify all specific extended responsibility
services provided by the department to individuals who do not pay
a particular fee to the department for the provision of that
service, including all search and rescue activities conducted by
the department.__This report must include an estimate of the
total cost of providing the identified extended responsibility
services.__The report must be submitted on or before January 1st
of each year.__Upon receipt of the report, the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
appropriations and financial affairs and the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over inland
fisheries and wildlife matters shall give separate consideration
to funding the department's estimated cost of providing the
identified extended responsibility services.

12.__Criminal history record information.__The commissioner
shall collect and maintain criminal history record information
pertinent to violations of this Part.__The commissioner may
collect and maintain other records and information pertinent to
other functions of the department, including the enforcement of
civil violations.

§10104.__Rule-making power

In addition to other powers granted in this Part, the
commissioner has the following powers.

1.__Rules. The commissioner may, with the advice and consent
of the advisory council and in conformity with Title 5, Part 18,
and except as otherwise provided, adopt, amend and repeal
reasonable rules, including emergency rules, necessary for the
proper administration, implementation, enforcement and
interpretation of any provision of law that the commissioner is

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