LD 1553
pg. 9
Page 8 of 25 An Act To Permit Special Purpose Reinsurance Vehicles Page 10 of 25
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LR 1915
Item 1

not issue a contract for assumption of risk or indemnification of
loss other than a special purpose reinsurance vehicle contract.

§784.__Approved transactions and operation of special purpose

reinsurance vehicles

1.__Contracts.__Special purpose reinsurance vehicles
authorized under this subchapter may enter into and effectuate
special purpose reinsurance vehicle contracts with one or more
ceding insurers as long as the contracts:

A.__Obligate the reinsurance vehicle to indemnify the ceding
insurer for losses;

B.__Are securitized in full through a single special purpose
reinsurance vehicle insurance securitization; and

C.__Are fully funded and secured with assets held in trust
in accordance with the requirements of this section pursuant
to agreements proposed under this subchapter, and invested
in a manner that meets the criteria set forth in section

2.__Eligible lines of business.__A special purpose reinsurance
vehicle contract may only provide catastrophe excess of loss
property reinsurance coverage or catastrophe life or health
reinsurance coverage, unless the superintendent adopts rules
pursuant to section 797 specifying additional lines of business
that may be reinsured by a special purpose reinsurance vehicle.

3.__Multiple ceding insurers.__A special__purpose reinsurance
vehicle may enter into contracts with multiple ceding insurers
only if:

A.__The special purpose reinsurance vehicle reinsures no
more than 10 ceding insurers; and

B.__Each ceding insurer has no more than $50,000,000 in
surplus as reported in its most recent financial statement
filed with its domiciliary regulator, as of the date the
special purpose reinsurance vehicle is licensed.__A group of
ceding insurers under common control may elect to be treated
as separate insurers for purposes of this subsection, but
only if each insurer in the group that is reinsured by the
same special purpose reinsurance vehicle is counted
separately for purposes of the 10-cedent limit.

4.__Terms of operation.__A special purpose reinsurance vehicle
may enter into agreements with 3rd parties and conduct business
necessary to fulfill its obligations and administrative

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