LD 1553
pg. 8
Page 7 of 25 An Act To Permit Special Purpose Reinsurance Vehicles Page 9 of 25
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LR 1915
Item 1

involving a domestic ceding insurer under a similar law of
another jurisdiction the proposed organizer or ceding insurer
has the right to a hearing upon a timely request filed
pursuant to section 229.

4.__Approval.__Upon approval of the application by the
superintendent and the issuance of a limited certificate of
authority, the special purpose reinsurance vehicle may be
acquired or formed and, in accordance with the approved plan of
operation, the special purpose reinsurance vehicle may enter into
contracts and conduct other activities within the scope of the
filed plan of operation.

5.__Reinsurance activities.__The limited certificate of
authority must state that the special purpose reinsurance
vehicle's authorization to be involved in the business of
insurance is limited only to the reinsurance activities that the
special purpose reinsurance vehicle is allowed to conduct
pursuant to this subchapter.

6.__Documentation of insurance securitization.__The special
purpose reinsurance vehicle organizer shall provide a complete
set of the documentation of the insurance securitization to the
superintendent upon closing of any transactions, including an
opinion of legal counsel with respect to compliance with this
subchapter and any other applicable laws as of the effective date
of any transaction.__Any material change to the special purpose
reinsurance vehicle's plan of operation filed pursuant to
subsection 2, including, but not limited to, the issuance of new
securities to continue the insurance securitization activities of
the special purpose reinsurance vehicle pursuant to this
subchapter after expiration and full satisfaction of the initial
securitization transactions, requires prior approval of the
superintendent.__A change in the counterparty to swap
transactions for an existing insurance securitization as allowed
under this subchapter is not considered a material change unless
the special purpose reinsurance vehicle's managers know or should
know that the new counterparty presents a substantial risk of

§783.__Limited purpose of special purpose reinsurance vehicle

Special purpose reinsurance vehicles authorized under this
subchapter are created for the limited purpose of entering into
insurance securitization transactions with investors and related
agreements to pay one or more ceding insurers agreed-upon amounts
under a special purpose reinsurance vehicle contract upon the
occurrence of triggering events related to the insurance business
of the ceding insurer.__A special purpose reinsurance vehicle may

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