LD 1506
pg. 2
Page 1 of 8 An Act To Make Technical Changes to Statutes Regarding Regulatory Boards and Re... Page 3 of 8
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LR 1923
Item 1

finds a licensee or registrant to be in noncompliance
with a bureau, office, board or commission order or
consent agreement;

(4) Allow licensees or registrants to hold inactive
status licenses or registrations in accordance with
each bureau's, office's, board's or commission's rules.
The fee for an inactive license or registration may not
exceed the statutory fee cap established for the
bureau's, office's, board's or commission's license or
registration renewal set forth in its governing law; or

(5) Delegate to staff the authority to review and
approve applications for licensure pursuant to
procedures and criteria established by rule. Rules
developed pursuant to this subparagraph are routine
technical rules as described in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A 2-A.


Sec. C-1. 32 MRSA §1152, as amended by PL 1995, c. 397, §29, is
further amended to read:

§1152. Employees

At no time may there be fewer than 6 electrical inspectors to
carry out the mandates of this chapter. The board shall raise
funds as necessary to support the costs of its employees and
their administrative support.

Electrical inspectors appointed under this section have powers
throughout the several counties of the State, similar to those of
sheriffs in their respective counties, relating to enforcement of
this chapter and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder
adopted under this chapter. These powers are limited to the
power to conduct investigations, issue citations, serve summonses
and order corrections of violations in accordance with specific
statutory authority.

Sec. C-2. 32 MRSA §1153-A, as repealed and replaced by PL 1973, c.
363, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§1153-A.__Standards; installation

The board shall establish by rule technical standards for the
proper installation of electrical equipment.__These standards
must conform as nearly as practicable to the National Electrical
Code, National Fire Protection Association standard #70.__The

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