LD 1505
pg. 4
Page 3 of 6 An Act To Amend the Licensing Requirements for Veterinarians Page 5 of 6
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LR 1926
Item 1

Competency Test or subsequent examination prepared under the
authority of the National Board of Examination Committee for
Veterinary Medicine was not required in this State in which
case the applicant need only have passed whatever national
licensing examinations were required of entry level licensees
in the State at the time;

D-1.__Has sucessfully passed an examination pursuant to
subsection 1-A pertaining to the practice of veterinary
medicine as determined by board rule.__The board may require
the applicant to submit to an examination covering the laws
and rules pertaining to the practice of veterinary medicine
in this State; and

E. Has actively practiced clinical veterinary medicine for
3,000 hours during the 3 years preceding application; and.

F. Has successfully completed an examination, established
by the board, covering the laws and rules pertaining to the
practice of veterinary medicine in the State.

Sec. 3. 32 MRSA §4863, first and 2nd ¶¶, as amended by PL 1997, c. 246,
§20, are further amended to read:

All licenses expire annually on such date as the commissioner
may designate, and may be renewed with the board by payment of a
renewal fee established by the board set under section 4863-A.
At least 30 days prior to the annual renewal date, the Department
of Professional and Financial Regulation shall mail a notice to
each licensee and registrant that the license or registration
will expire expires on the renewal date and provide a renewal
application form for reregistration.

Licenses may be reinstated up to 90 days after the date of
expiration upon payment of a late fee of $10 set under section
4863-A in addition to the renewal fee. A person who submits an
application for renewal more than 90 days after the license
renewal date is subject to all requirements governing new
applicants under this chapter, except that the board may, giving
due consideration to the protection of the public, waive
examination if that renewal application is made within 2 years
from the date of the expiration. In addition, the board may levy
penalties for nonrenewal.

Sec. 4. 32 MRSA §4863-A is enacted to read:


The Director of the Office of Licensing and Registration
within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation

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