LD 1505
pg. 3
Page 2 of 6 An Act To Amend the Licensing Requirements for Veterinarians Page 4 of 6
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LR 1926
Item 1

All persons granted permits under this section shall furnish
proof of liability insurance to cover the date of this permit.

4. Permit for performance of relief veterinary service. The
board may issue without examination a permit to perform relief
veterinary service in this State to a qualified graduate of a
veterinary school, recognized and approved by the American
Veterinary Medical Association person who holds a doctorate
degree in veterinary medicine from an approved veterinary
medicine program that is recognized by the United States
Department of Education and by the board, and who holds a current
license for the practice of veterinary medicine issued by another
state, territory or district of the United States. The board may
establish, by rule, the application process. The initial term of
a permit issued under this subsection may not exceed 30 days.
Extensions may be granted in the discretion of the board. The
fee for the relief permit, which may not exceed $50, must be set
by the board. The applicant shall pay the required relief permit
fee set under section 4863-A.

5. Licensure by endorsement. The board shall grant a license
by endorsement to a veterinarian who:

A. Has submitted a complete application;

B. Has paid the application and license fees established by
the board set under section 4863-A;

C. Is licensed in good standing in another state, United
States territory or province of Canada or, if an applicant
does not meet the definition of good standing, as
established by the board, the applicant shall provide, to
the satisfaction of the board, that the applicant is
qualified for licensure in the State and may practice under
the restrictions and limitations on that license, and those
limitations, if any, may include conditions of probation
before the issuance of a license;

D. Has passed the National Board of Examination and the Clinical
Competency Test as prepared under the authority of the National
Board of Examination Committee for Veterinary Medicine or its
predecessor organization, the National Board of Veterinary
Medical Examiners or a subsequent national licensing examination
prepared under the authority of the National Board of Examination
Committee for Veterinary Medicine or the American Association of
Veterinary State Boards, or an equivalent examination as
established by the board unless, at the time the applicant became
licensed in the state, province or territory from which the
applicant is applying, the National Board Examination, Clinical

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