LD 1501
pg. 13
Page 12 of 16 An Act To Amend the Laws Relating to the Maine State Retirement System Page 14 of 16
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LR 1943
Item 1

person's prior compensation and benefits, training, education
and experience, including training and education received under
that person's rehabilitation plan.__The disability retirement
benefit may not be discontinued except as provided by section
18529 or until the person is reemployed consistent with this

Sec. 15. 5 MRSA §18527, first ¶, as amended by PL 1995, c. 643, §24,
is further amended to read:

Rehabilitation services must may be provided to any person
who is the recipient of a disability retirement benefit under
this article if as a means to the person being able to return
to substantially gainful activity.__Services may be provided
when the executive director determines that rehabilitation is
feasible, that rehabilitation is consistent with the purposes
of this article and, that the recipient is suitable for
rehabilitation services and that rehabilitation services are
likely to lead to substantially gainful activity. When
necessary appropriate, determination of suitability must
include consultation with the medical board to determine any
medical indications that the recipient should not engage in a
rehabilitation program or to identify a recipient too severely
disabled to benefit from rehabilitation services in accordance
with the purposes of this article. Services must be provided
by private and public rehabilitation counselors, government
agencies and others approved by the executive director as
qualified to provide rehabilitation services. The executive
director shall consider a rehabilitation counselor's rate of
successfully placing rehabilitated employees in jobs relative
to the placement rates of other counselors in the State as
fundamental in deciding whether to approve the counselor as
qualified. Nothing in this section affects the ongoing
requirement that a person remain disabled in order to continue
to receive disability benefits.

For the purposes of this section, "person" means any person
who is the recipient of a disability retirement benefit.

Sec. 16. 5 MRSA §18527, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 409, §§11
and 12, is amended to read:

1. Rehabilitation plan. If the executive director
determines that rehabilitation is feasible and recommended,
the retirement system shall designate a rehabilitation
services provider to evaluate the person and develop a
rehabilitation plan.

Sec. 17. 5 MRSA §18527, sub-§2, ¶A, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 409,
§§11 and 12, is amended to read:

A. Except as provided in paragraph B, the executive director
shall pay these providers from funds accumulated in

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