LD 1501
pg. 12
Page 11 of 16 An Act To Amend the Laws Relating to the Maine State Retirement System Page 13 of 16
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LR 1943
Item 1

B.__If the person is entitled to other benefits to meet
the cost of rehabilitation services, that person must
first apply for and use those benefits to the extent
available to pay for the goods and services provided.

3.__Approval of rehabilitation plan.__The executive director
shall approve a rehabilitation plan that the executive
director finds to be in the person's best interest and
consistent with the purposes of this article.__The person and
the executive director shall indicate in writing their
approval of and agreement to the submitted rehabilitation
plan.__The person shall approve the plan within 30 days or,
within that time period, submit to the executive director the
name of an alternate rehabilitation services provider for the
executive director's consideration.__If the rehabilitation
plan includes return to employment with the employer for whom
the person worked before becoming disabled, the employer shall
also indicate in writing approval of the plan.

4.__Monitoring of rehabilitation plan.__Each rehabilitation
plan approved by the executive director must contain a
provision for periodic review of progress being made by the
person toward achieving the goal of the plan and substantially
gainful activity.__The provision relating to review must
include authority for the executive director to terminate the
plan or to amend the plan with the same rehabilitation
services provider or with a change of provider, based upon
results of the review or at the request of the person or the
provider.__Subsections 1, 2 and 3 apply to any amended plans
under this subsection.__A person is entitled to a single
rehabilitation plan during the course of the person's
incapacity except when the person demonstrates that a
termination of the plan was reasonable and for good cause.__
Any entitlement to amend a rehabilitation plan or establish a
new plan ends with a determination by the executive director
that the person is no longer disabled.

5.__Return to service.__If the rehabilitation plan includes
return to employment with the person's former employer, that
person must be reemployed in accordance with the plan.__The
executive director shall notify the former employer, in
writing, that the person has completed the rehabilitation plan
and is ready to return to employment.__The former employer
shall reemploy the person in the first available position for
which that person is qualified, taking into consideration that
person's prior compensation and benefits, training, education
and experience, including training and education received
under that person's rehabilitation plan.

6.__Employment exception.__A person is not required to
accept employment that reasonably necessitates relocation or
for which the person is not qualified, taking into
consideration that

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