LD 1463
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Amend Maine's Arborist Licensing Laws LD 1463 Title Page
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LR 1894
Item 1


This bill makes several changes to Maine's arborist
licensing laws designed to simplify the current arborist
licensing laws and to provide the public with additional
protection against unprofessional conduct of arborists doing
business in the State. The changes bring the current law into
conformity with actual practices in the arborist profession
and allow individuals who are certified by the International
Society of Arboriculture, ISA, which currently maintains a
testing and certification process as rigorous as the
Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resource's
examination, providing the ISA testing process does not drop
below the standards set forth in the State's arborist
licensing law. The bill provides the department with the
opportunity to suspend, revoke or refuse to issue or renew an
arborist license, pursuant to other relevant statutes or
provides the District Court with the opportunity to suspend,
revoke or refuse to renew a license, if an arborist pursues a
continued course of unprofessional conduct as demonstrated by
repeated verified complaints against the licensed arborist.

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