LD 1429
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Authorize the Department of Audit To Perform Other Audits and Reviews... LD 1429 Title Page
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LR 1991
Item 1

transactions, or of incompetence unacceptable practices in
keeping accounts or handling funds or of any other improper
practice of financial administration, the State Auditor shall
report the same to the Governor and the Legislature immediately.
After reporting evidence of material weaknesses or reportable
conditions, the State Auditor shall provide for subsequent
review to ensure that those conditions are addressed in a timely
manner and report to the Governor and the Legislature to confirm
the status of the correction of those conditions. If the State
Auditor finds evidences of illegal transactions, the State
Auditor shall immediately report those transactions both to the
Governor and to the Attorney General. All such evidences must
be included in the annual reports of the State Auditor and the
State Auditor may, at the State Auditor's discretion, make them
public at any time during the fiscal year.


This bill:

1. Eliminates outdated language referring to county

2. Changes the duties of the Department of Audit by
requiring the department to conduct inquiries, management
analysis, inspections of operations of state programs or other
research; and

3. Clarifies that the State Auditor does not perform
accounting functions for the State and the type of improper
accounting actions that must be reported to the Governor and
Legislature by the State Auditor.

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