LD 1417
pg. 7
Page 6 of 16 An Act To Make Changes to the Laws Governing Aquaculture Leasing Page 8 of 16
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LR 1908
Item 1

pursuant to this subsection is a final agency action with
respect to that lease application.

Sec. 15. 12 MRSA §6072-A, sub-§§5, 7 and 8, as amended by PL 2001, c.
122, §1, are further amended to read:

5. Notice of application. The applicant Upon determining
that an application is complete, the commissioner shall
provide notice of a limited-purpose lease application to
owners of riparian land within 1,000 feet of the proposed
location of the lease and to the municipal officers of the
municipality in which the limited-purpose lease activity would
take place. The applicant shall provide the names and
addresses of riparian landowners within 1,000 feet of the
proposed location of the lease.__The riparian names and
addresses must be taken from the current property tax roster
on file at the local municipal office or with the Bureau of
Revenue Services for an unorganized territory. The
commissioner shall publish a summary of the application in a
newspaper of general circulation in the area proposed for a
limited-purpose lease. A person may provide, within 30 days
of receipt of notice or within 30 days of publication of a
limited-purpose lease summary, to the commissioner comments on
the proposed limited-purpose lease.

7. Notice of public hearing. The applicant commissioner
shall provide notice of a public hearing to owners of riparian
land within 1,000 feet of the proposed location of the lease
and to the municipal officers of the municipality in which the
limited-purpose lease activity would take place. The
commissioner shall publish notice of a public hearing in a
newspaper of general circulation in the area proposed for a
limited-purpose lease at least 30 days before the hearing.

8. Rules; general and lease application. The commissioner
may adopt rules to implement the provisions of this section.
Within 180 days of the effective date of this section, the
commissioner shall adopt rules regarding a limited-purpose
lease application. The rules must require an applicant to, at
a minimum, meet the requirements of section 6072, subsection
2, paragraph E and subsection 4 4-B, paragraphs A, B, C, E,
F, G and J paragraph B. The rules must also require an
applicant to provide to the department proof of access to the
lease area. If access will be across riparian land, the
applicant shall provide to the department the written
permission of every riparian owner whose land will be used to
access the lease area.

Sec. 16. 12 MRSA §6072-A, sub-§11, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 231, §6,
is repealed.

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