LD 1344
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act To Give Teachers a Greater Voice in School Improvement Page 5 of 5
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LR 1568
Item 1

of other employees performing similar services in
public and private employment in this State and, with
respect to proceedings involving teachers, other
states in the United States;

(3)__The overall compensation presently received by
the employees, including direct salary and wage
compensation, vacation, holidays, life and health
insurance, retirement and all other benefits

(4)__Other factors not confined to the factors set
out in subparagraphs (1) to (3) that are normally and
traditionally taken into consideration in the
resolution of disputes involving similar subjects of
collective bargaining in public education;

(5)__The need of the employer for qualified

(6)__Conditions of employment in similar occupations
outside public education;

(7)__The need to maintain appropriate relationships
between different occupations in public education;

(8)__The need to establish fair and reasonable
conditions in relation to job qualifications and
responsibilities; and

(9)__The comfort of the employees and their ability
to perform and work with efficiency, effectiveness
and satisfaction.

The results of all arbitration proceedings, recommendations
and awards conducted under this section must be filed with the
Executive Director of the Maine Labor Relations Board
simultaneously with the submission of the recommendations and
award to the parties. In the event the parties settle their
dispute during the arbitration proceeding, the arbitrator or
the chair of the arbitration panel shall submit a report of
the arbitrator's or chair's activities to the Executive
Director of the Maine Labor Relations Board not more than 5
days after the arbitration proceeding has terminated.


This bill proposes to redefine as "working conditions"
several specific issues that case law has identified as
"educational policy." This modification to the bargaining law
would allow school districts and school employees to negotiate

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