LD 1344
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LR 1568
Item 1

documentary evidence and other data considered relevant by
the arbitrators may be received in evidence.__The
arbitrators have the power to administer oaths and to
require by subpoena the attendance and testimony of
witnesses and the production of books, records and other
evidence relative or pertinent to the issues represented to
the arbitrators for determination.

If the controversy is not resolved by the parties
themselves, the arbitrators shall proceed as follows.

(1)__With respect to a controversy over salaries,
pensions and insurance, the arbitrators shall
recommend terms of settlement and may make findings
of fact.__Those recommendations and findings are
advisory only and must be made, if reasonably
possible, within 30 days after the selection of the
neutral arbitrator.__The arbitrators may in their
discretion make such recommendations and findings
public, and either party may make such
recommendations and findings public if agreement is
not reached with respect to such findings and
recommendations within 10 days after their receipt
from the arbitrators.

(2)__With respect to a controversy over subjects
other than salaries, pensions and insurance, the
arbitrators shall make determinations with respect
thereto if reasonably possible within 30 days after
the selection of the neutral arbitrator.__Such
determinations may be made public by the arbitrators
or either party.__If made by a majority of the
arbitrators, determinations are binding on both
parties and the parties shall enter an agreement or
take whatever other action that may be appropriate to
carry out and effectuate such binding determinations.__
Such determinations are subject to review by the
Superior Court in the manner specified by section

B.__In reaching a decision under this section, the
arbitrators shall consider the following factors:

(1)__The interests and welfare of the students and
the public, and the financial ability of the employer
to finance the cost items proposed by each party to
the controversy;

(2)__Comparison of the wages, hours and working conditions of
the employees involved in the arbitration proceeding with the
wages, hours and working conditions

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