LD 1318
pg. 5
Page 4 of 16 An Act To Provide Collective Bargaining Rights to Certain Forest Products Worke... Page 6 of 16
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LR 1321
Item 1

C.__The association is financially sound and has sufficient
resources and management to carry out the purposes for
which it was organized;

D.__The association represents 51% or more of the forest
products harvesters or the forest products haulers who
have a prior course of dealing with the forest landowner
or landowners named in the petition under subsection 2.__
If the board has reasonable cause to question such
representation, the board shall require a secret ballot
election to certify the percentage of representation; and

E.__The association has as one of its functions acting as
principal or agent for its members in negotiations with
forest landowners for prices and other terms of contracts
with respect to the harvesting and hauling of forest

4.__Refiling of petition.__If, after the hearing under
subsection 2, the board does not consider an association
qualified, it shall, in accordance with Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 4, clearly specify in its decision the reasons for
the failure to qualify.__An association seeking
reconsideration of a board decision must refile its petition
within 30 days of receipt of the board's initial decision.__
The board shall reconsider its decision within 30 days after
the date on which the petition is refiled.

5.__Notice.__After the board qualifies an association, it
shall give notice of the qualification to all known forest
landowners that, in the ordinary course of business, contract
with the forest products harvesters or haulers that the
association represents.

6.__Annual report.__A qualified bargaining association shall
file an annual report with the board in the form required by
rules of the board. The annual report must contain information
that will enable the board to determine whether the
association continues to meet the standards for qualification.

7.__Revocation.__If a qualified bargaining association
ceases to maintain the standards for qualification set forth
in subsection 3, the board shall, in a manner consistent with
the Maine Administrative Procedure Act, apply to the District
Court to revoke the qualification of that association.

8.__Confidentiality.__Information provided to the board by
an association regarding the identification of its members and
information provided to the board by a forest landowner

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