LD 1312
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act To Ensure and Encourage the Generation of Electricity from Renewable Res... Page 3 of 4
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LR 1721
Item 1

(8)__Landfill gas; or

(9)__Municipal solid waste in conjunction with

If an electrical generation facility relies on a renewable
fuel and a nonrenewable fuel for its output, and the
nonrenewable fuel accounts for more than 10% of its
output, only that output attributable to the renewable
fuel may be considered an eligible renewable resource.

A qualifying facility under this subsection that otherwise
meets the requirements of paragraphs A and B may not be
considered an eligible renewable resource if that facility is
selling its electrical output to a transmission and
distribution utility and is being paid a rate for energy, or
energy and capacity, that exceeds the average New England
independent system operator market energy clearing price for
the preceding year by an amount equal to or greater than $20
per megawatt hour.

3.__Portfolio requirements.__As a condition of licensing
pursuant to section 3203, each competitive electricity
provider in this State must demonstrate, in a manner
satisfactory to the commission, that:

A.__No less than 30% of its annual portfolio of supply
sources for its retail electricity sales in this State is
accounted for by eligible renewable resources.__The
requirement in this paragraph may be referred to as a
"tier 1 requirement"; and

B.__Beginning March 1, 2005, no less than 0.5% of its
annual portfolio of supply sources for its retail
electricity sales in this State is accounted for by
eligible renewable resources that were constructed after
January 1, 2002.__Incremental generation from increased
efficiency or additions of capacity to existing eligible
renewable resources after this date must be considered
eligible to meet tier 2 requirements.__This percentage
increases 0.5% per year until it reaches 5% in 2014.__This
requirement must remain at 5% unless the commission makes
a recommendation that it should be increased.__The
requirement in this paragraph may be referred to as a
"tier 2 requirement."

If a competitive electricity provider represents to a customer
that the provider is selling to the customer a portfolio of
supply sources that exceeds the requirements of paragraph A or
B, the resources necessary to supply the excess may not be
applied to meet the requirements of paragraph A or B.

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