LD 1295
pg. 40
Page 39 of 67 An Act To Enact the Uniform Mediation Act Page 41 of 67
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LR 464
Item 1


1. In general.

This Section articulates specific and exclusive exceptions to
the broad grant of privilege provided to mediation
communications in Section 4. As with other privileges, when it
is necessary to consider evidence in order to determine if an
exception applies, the Act contemplates that a court will hold
an in camera proceeding at which the claim for exemption from
the privilege can be confidentially asserted and defended.
See, e.g., Rinaker v. Superior Court, 74 Cal. Rptr.2d 464, 466
(Ct. App. 1998); Olam v. Congress Mortgage Co., 68 F.Supp.2d
1110, 1131-33 (N.D. Cal. 1999) (discussing whether an in
camera hearing is necessary).

The exceptions in Section 6(a) apply regardless of the need
for the evidence because society's interest in the information
contained in the mediation communications may be said to
categorically outweigh its interest in the confidentiality of
mediation communications. In contrast, the exceptions under
Section 6(b) would apply only in situations where the relative
strengths of society's interest in a mediation communication
and mediation participant interest in confidentiality can only
be measured under the facts and circumstances of the
particular case. In these situations, the Act establishes what
is in effect a presumption of privilege, which may be rebutted
in an off-the-record hearing in which the proponent of the
evidence must meet a high standard of need by demonstrating
that the evidence is otherwise unavailable and that the need
for it in the case at bar substantially outweighs the state's
interest in protecting the confidentiality of mediation. In
other words, the exceptions listed in 6(b) include situations
that should remain confidential but for overriding concerns
for justice.

2. Section 6(a)(1). Record of an agreement.

This exception would permit evidence of a signed agreement,
such as an agreement to mediate, an agreement regarding how
the mediation should be conducted -- including whether the
parties and mediator may disclose outside of proceedings, or,
more commonly, written agreements memorializing the parties'
resolution of the dispute. The exception permits such an
agreement to be introduced in a subsequent court proceeding
convened to determine whether the terms of that settlement
agreement had been breached.

The words "agreement evidenced by a record" and "signed" refer
to written and executed agreements, those recorded by tape
recorded and ascribed to by the parties on the tape, and other
electronic means to record and sign, as defined in Sections
2(9) and 2(10). In other words, a participant's notes about an
oral agreement

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