LD 1239
pg. 12
Page 11 of 15 An Act Concerning Universal Health Insurance Page 13 of 15
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LR 186
Item 1

elected by the board.__The remaining board member is the
president and chief executive officer, who shall serve on the
board of directors while employed as president and chief
executive officer.

5.__Terms.__Of the initial policyholder board members, 3
serve 3-year terms, 3 serve 2-year terms and 3 serve one-year
terms.__Of the initial public interest members, one serves a
3-year term, one serves a 2-year term and one serves a one-
year term.__A full term is 3 years.__An individual may not
serve more than 2 full terms as a director. All members shall
serve for the terms provided and until their successors are
appointed or elected and qualified.

6.__Corporate governance.__The initial board of directors
shall, at the organizational meeting of the company to
complete organization, adopt bylaws.__The bylaws must provide
a schedule of meetings and rules specifically relating to the
conduct of meetings and voting procedures.

7.__Annual report.__In addition to any other reports
required by this Title, the company shall submit an annual
report to the Governor and to the joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over health insurance
matters that discloses the business transacted by the company
during the previous year and states the resources and
liabilities of the company together with other pertinent
information considered appropriate by the board.__The report
must contain, at a minimum, a summary of the latest annual
statement filing required to be filed under this Title with
the Superintendent of Insurance prepared on a basis of
statutory accounting precepts.__Any variations between the
annual statement and the annual report must be reconciled to
clearly show variances and the basis for any different values.

§2383.__Authority of board; powers and duties

1.__General authority.__The board may perform all acts
necessary or convenient in the exercise of any power,
authority or jurisdiction over the company, either in the
administration of the company or in connection with the
business of the company to fulfill the purposes of this
chapter and chapter 19. The company has the powers otherwise
granted to a nonprofit hospital and medical service

2.__Standard of performance.__The board shall discharge its
duties with the same care, skill, prudence and diligence as
that of prudent directors acting in a similar enterprise and
with a similar purpose.

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