LD 1239
pg. 11
Page 10 of 15 An Act Concerning Universal Health Insurance Page 12 of 15
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LR 186
Item 1

1.__Nonprofit hospital and medical service organization.__
The Maine Nonprofit Health Insurance Company is a nonprofit
hospital and medical service organization subject to all the
requirements and standards of this Title and Title 24-A that
are applicable to health insurers and health maintenance
organizations.__The company shall offer individual and group
health insurance coverage beginning January 1, 2004.

2.__Health care coverage.__The company shall provide
individual and group health insurance to residents and
employers in this State, including primary health care
policies as required by Title 24-A, section 2736-C, subsection
8-A; section 2808-B, subsection 8-A; and section 4315.__The
company may not provide health insurance to out-of-state
residents or employers.

3.__Incorporation.__The company must be incorporated
pursuant to the provisions of chapter 19.__The incorporators
must be appointed by the Governor subject to review and
approval by the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over health insurance matters.__The
appointments must be made within 10 days after the effective
date of this subsection. The joint standing committee shall
complete its review and vote on the approval of the
appointments of the Governor within 10 days of the Governor's
written notice of the appointments.__If the joint standing
committee fails to act within the required 10 days, then the
appointees put forward by the Governor become the required
incorporators. Upon appointment, the incorporators shall
execute a certificate of organization as required by this
Title and immediately pursue a certificate of authority for a
nonprofit hospital and medical service organization.

4.__Composition of board.__The company is governed by a
board of directors that consists of at least__14 members.__
Nine members must be policyholders who purchase health
insurance coverage from the company, except that the initial
appointment may include members who have purchased coverage
from other carriers licensed in this State.__Three members
must be persons who represent the public interest of the
company.__Members who are policyholders and members who
represent the public interest must be appointed by the
Governor within 30 days after a new board member is authorized
or a vacancy occurs, subject to review and approval by the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over health insurance matters.__The joint
standing committee shall complete its review and vote on
approval of the appointments of the Governor within 15 days of
the Governor's written notice of appointment.__If the joint
standing committee fails to act within the required 15 days,
then the appointees put forward by the Governor become the
required board members. One member must be an at-large
policyholder member

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