LD 1213
pg. 3
Page 2 of 5 An Act To Establish a Modern Transportation Policy Page 4 of 5
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LR 600
Item 1

2. The Commissioner of Transportation, or the commissioner's

3. One member representing metropolitan planning
organizations, MPOs, appointed by the Commissioner of

4. One member representing regional transportation advisory
committees, RTACs, appointed by the Commissioner of
Transportation; and

5. One member representing bicycle and pedestrian
interests, appointed by the Speaker of the House.

Sec. B-3. Commission chairs. The Senate member is the Senate chair
of the commission and the House member is the House chair of
the commission.

Sec. B-4. Appointments; convening of commission. All appointments must be
made no later than 30 days after the effective date of this
Part. The appointing authorities shall notify the Executive
Director of the Legislative Council once all appointments have
been completed. Within 15 days after appointment of all
members, the chairs of the commission shall call and convene
the first meeting of the commission.

Sec. B-5. Duties. It is the duty of the commission to enhance
the urban and small-town environment through the development
of shared-use paths that are accessible and readily visible to
the public in both urban and rural communities in order to
encourage physical activity and that are an integral an
prominent part of community life. In performing these duties,
the commission shall:

1. Identify potential sites and funding sources for shared-
use paths;

2. Identify economic development and public health benefits
of shared-use paths;

3. Identify the quality of life and urban design benefits
of shared-use paths to urban and rural communities; and

4. Analyze the successes of other states and municipalities
regarding the development of shared-use paths.

Sec. B-6. Meetings. The commission may meet a maximum of 4

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