LD 1213
pg. 2
Page 1 of 5 An Act To Establish a Modern Transportation Policy Page 3 of 5
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LR 600
Item 1

transportation region, the commissioner shall solicit input from
the regional transportation advisory committee for each of those
regions when selecting the location or locations in those
regions for the shared-use paths.__Curb cuts or ramps must be
included where necessary as part of a shared-use path.

2.__Exceptions.__Shared-use paths are not required to be

A.__Where the establishment of such paths would be
contrary to public safety;

B.__If the cost of establishing such paths would be
excessively disproportionate to the need or probable use;

C.__Where lack of population, the existence of other
available ways or other factors indicate an absence of any
need for shared-use paths.

§614.__Safe paths to schools program

1.__Program established.__The commissioner shall establish a
safe paths to schools program for the purpose of planning and
constructing shared-use paths to provide safe transportation
for children from neighborhoods to schools, parks and local
and state trails systems.

2.__Grant fund.__As part of the safe paths to schools
program, the commissioner shall establish a grant program to
fund local, regional and state bicycle and pedestrian projects
that support the program under subsection 1.

3.__Rulemaking.__The commissioner shall adopt rules to carry
out the purposes of this section.__Rules adopted pursuant to
this section are major substantive rules as defined in Title
5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.


Sec. B-1. Study commission established. The Commission to Study the
Establishment of Shared-use Paths, referred to in this Part as
"the commission," is established.

Sec. B-2. Membership. The commission consists of 6 members
appointed as follows:

1. Two members of the Joint Standing Committee on
Transportation, one of whom is appointed by the President of
the Senate and one of whom is appointed by the Speaker of the

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