LD 1189
pg. 4
Page 3 of 9 An Act To Establish the Commission for the Blind Page 5 of 9
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LR 1427
Item 1

6. Report.__Make reports at least annually to the Governor
and to the Legislature detailing the activities of the office
and, after consultation with and approval by the Governor,
submit such recommendations for legislative action as
determined necessary to further the purposes of this chapter;

7. Governor's request.__Perform such other duties as the
Governor requests; and

8.__Rules.__Adopt such routine technical rules pursuant to
Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A as the director
determines necessary to implement this chapter.

§19605.__Education of blind children

1.__Commission services.__The commission shall provide the
following services to blind and visually impaired persons from
birth to 21 years of age:

A.__Itinerant teacher services;

B.__Mobility instruction;

C.__Braille instruction;

D.__Low-vision services;

E.__Special aids and supplies needed to participate in the
educational process; and

F.__Advocacy, counseling and guidance services to students
and their parents.

2.__School administrative units.__Nothing in this section
relieves school administrative units from fulfilling their
responsibilities under Title 20-A, Part 4, subpart 1.

§19606.__Business enterprise program

1.__Program.__The commission shall conduct a business
enterprise program pursuant to this subsection.__To provide
blind persons with remunerative employment, enlarge the
economic opportunities of blind persons and encourage blind
persons to become self-supporting, the officer, board or other
authority in charge of a public building or property shall
grant to the commission authority:

A.__To install in that building or property a vending
facility whenever a vending facility may be operated by a
blind person; and

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