LD 1186
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act to Revise the Reimbursement by the County Jail Prisoner Support and Comm... LD 1186 Title Page
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LR 1176
Item 1

10, all All funds collected pursuant to this subsection are
nonlapsing and must be deposited monthly in the County Jail
Prisoner Support and Community Corrections Fund that is
administered by the department. Except as provided in
subsection 10, all funds collected pursuant to this subsection
must be distributed to counties that have experienced at least a
10% increase in their total annual jail operating budget or to
counties that have issued bonds for the construction of a new
jail or renovation of an existing jail and that meet all other
requirements under subsection 4. Funds distributed to counties
pursuant to this subsection must be used for the sole purpose of
funding costs of the support of prisoners detained or sentenced
to county jails and for establishing and maintaining community

10. Implementation. The first $23,658 collected under
subsection 9 after the effective date of this subsection must
be transferred to the Judicial Department to cover the costs
of implementing the collection of surcharges.

11.__Adoption of rules.__The commissioner shall adopt rules
in order to carry out the purposes of this section that set
forth the procedure for determining the amount of funds due
each county.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section are
routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 2-A.

Sec. 2. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2005.


The Maine Revised Statutes, Title 34-A, section 1210-A
currently provides for a subsidy to counties for the support
of prisoners detained or sentenced to county jails and
maintaining community corrections. This bill changes the
section to reimburse a percentage of the actual costs of those
programs. The percentage would start at 10% beginning July 1,
2005 and increase in annual increments of 5% to a maximum of
30% of actual costs reimbursed.

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