LD 986
pg. 27
Page 26 of 77 An Act To Enact the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act Amendments of 1996 an... Page 28 of 77
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LR 467
Item 1

request for enforcement of its order by a tribunal of another
State if its order is controlling, see Section 207, or to
request reconciliation of the arrears and interest due on its
order if another order is controlling.

Subsection (b) reiterates that the issuing State has
jurisdiction to serve as a responding State to enforce its own
order at the request of another State.

The 2001 amendments moved the second sentence in Subsection
(b) to Section 210, infra, and moved Subsection (c) to Section
211, infra.

§2967.__Determination of controlling child support orders

1.__Recognition of orders; one tribunal.__If a proceeding is
brought under this chapter and only one tribunal has issued a
child support order, the order of that tribunal controls and
must be so recognized.

2.__Recognition of orders; 2 or more tribunals.__If a
proceeding is brought under this chapter and 2 or more child
support orders have been issued by tribunals of this State or
another state with regard to the same obligor and same child,
a tribunal of this State having personal jurisdiction over
both the obligor and individual obligee shall apply the
following rules and by order shall determine which order

A.__If only one of the tribunals has continuing, exclusive
jurisdiction under this chapter, the order of that
tribunal controls and must be so recognized.

B.__If more than one of the tribunals has continuing,
exclusive jurisdiction under this chapter:

(1)__An order issued by a tribunal in the home state
of the child controls; or

(2)__If an order has not been issued in the home
state of the child, the order most recently issued

C.__If none of the tribunals have continuing, exclusive
jurisdiction under this chapter, the tribunal of this
State shall issue a child support order, which controls.

3.__Request for order.__If 2 or more child support orders
have been issued for the same obligor and same child, upon
request of a party who is an individual or a support
enforcement agency, a tribunal of this State having personal
jurisdiction over both the obligor and the obligee who is an
individual shall

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