LD 667
pg. 4
Page 3 of 6 An Act To Amend the Maine Insurance Code Page 5 of 6
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LR 1732
Item 1

C.__The discovery of the commission of a fraudulent
insurance act as defined in section 2186;

4. Discovery of grossly negligent acts or omissions by the
insured substantially increasing any of the hazards insured
against or failure to disclose material facts that would, if
coverage is effectuated without knowledge by the insurer,
substantially alter the terms of the policy to be issued or

5. Physical changes in the insured property which result in
the property becoming uninsurable. not timely disclosed to the
insurer for hazard coverages under the policy to be issued or

Sec. 6. 24-A MRSA §3049, sub-§§6 to 12 are enacted to read:

6.__Discovery that the insured property is unoccupied and
that custodial care is not maintained on the property;

7.__The presence of a trampoline on the premises if the
insured is notified that the policy will be cancelled if the
trampoline is not removed and the trampoline, after notice,
remains on the property 30 or more days after the date of

8.__The presence of a swimming pool upon the insured
property that is not fenced in, in accordance with the
standards established in Title 22, section 1631, if the pool
fence remains in noncompliance with those standards for 30
days after notice by the insurer of the defective condition
and intent to cancel the policy;

9.__A claims history that entails 4 losses within 5 years,
except that those losses may not include those sustained in a
catastrophic loss event as defined by an advisory insurance
organization acceptable to the superintendent;

10.__A loss occasioned by a dog bite, unless, after notice
of cancellation or nonrenewal is received, the insured removes
the dog;

11.__Failure to correct, within 90 days, conditions that
pose imminent fire hazards; or

12.__Determination by the superintendent that the
continuation of a class or block of business to which the
policy belongs will jeopardize a company's solvency or will
place the insurer in violation of the insurance laws of this
State or any other state.

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