LD 503
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Stimulate Economic Recovery and Growth LD 503 Title Page
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LR 1407
Item 1

G. Offering revenue sharing to all businesses based on
the percentage of sales reported during the prior year.

3. Economic stimulus. Businesses in Maine would be
assisted by:

A. Offering low-interest loans to businesses to upgrade
old technology, expand current practices and purchase
improved technology;

B. Offering certain businesses grants for hiring of
immigrants, Native Americans, displaced workers, welfare
recipients, single parents and rehabilitated ex-convicts;

C. Replacing the current licensing system for businesses
with a business certificate system.

4. Tax relief. Tax relief would be obtained by:

A. Repealing the levy of income tax on the first $100,000
of income; thereafter, the tax would be imposed at a rate
of 5%. Bonuses would be exempt from income tax;

B. Reducing the sales and use tax to 3%;

C. Imposing the sales tax on all services;

D. Imposing the sales tax on all nonfood items; and

E. Eliminating all excise taxes.

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