LD 274
pg. 27
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Sec. 48. 32 MRSA §6214-B, last ¶, as amended by PL 1995, c. 394, §19, is

Sec. 49. 34-A MRSA §1205, as amended by PL 2001, c. 667, Pt. C,
§19, is repealed.

Sec. 50. 36 MRSA §6652, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 768, §6,
is repealed.

Sec. 51. 36 MRSA §6656, as amended by PL 2001, c. 714, Pt. BB, §2
and affected by §4, is further amended to read:

§6656. Payment of claims

Except as provided in section 6652, subsection 3, upon Upon
receipt of a timely and properly completed claim for
reimbursement, the State Tax Assessor shall certify that the
claimant is eligible for reimbursement and shall pay the
amount claimed from the General Fund by November 1st or within
90 days after receipt of the claim, whichever is later. For
those claims for which payments are withheld pursuant to
section 6652, subsection 3, reimbursement must be paid within
90 days after the assessor receives notification under that
subsection that the report has been received.

Sec. 52. 37-B MRSA §701, sub-§4, as amended by PL 2001, c. 614, §4
and c. 662, §72, is repealed and the following enacted in its

4.__Mutual aid.__Provide for the rendering of mutual aid
among the political subdivisions of the State and with other
states and provinces of Canada for the accomplishment of
emergency management functions.

Sec. 53. 37-B MRSA §704, 3rd ¶, as amended by PL 2001, c. 614, §8
and c. 662, §76, is repealed and the following enacted in its

The director, subject to the direction and control of the
commissioner, is the executive head of the agency and is
responsible for carrying out the program for emergency
management.__The director shall coordinate the activities of
all organizations for emergency__management within the State;
shall maintain liaison with and cooperate with emergency__
management and public safety agencies and organizations of
other states, the Federal Government and foreign countries,
and their political subdivisions; prior to the annual meeting
required in section 782, subsection 4, shall provide to each
of the local emergency management organizations of the State
an annual
assessment of

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