LD 274
pg. 25
Page 24 of 38 An Act to Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine Page 26 of 38
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Item 1

improvements within the capital improvement district.__Advisory
committee members serve at the pleasure of the municipal

2.__Cost of improvement.__The initial cost of an authorized
improvement in a capital improvement district is borne by the
municipality until the improvement is complete, as determined
by the municipal officers.__Commencing with the first tax year
that begins after the determination by the municipal officers
that the improvement is complete, the municipality shall levy
a special assessment against each property in the capital
improvement district representing that property's annual share
of the cost of the improvement as determined by the municipal
officers and projected in the referenda ballots that created
the capital improvement district, unless the actual total cost
of the improvement is determined to be less than projected
during the referenda, in which case the special assessments
are reduced proportionally to reflect the actual cost.

3.__Method of assessment. The special assessments must be
included in the next annual warrant to the tax collector of
the municipality for collection and must be collected in the
same manner as state, county and municipal taxes are

4.__Annual report.__The municipality's annual report must
record the progress of implementing the improvements to the
capital improvement district. At a minimum, the annual report
must include:

A.__The boundaries of the capital improvement district;

B.__The public elements of the capital improvement

C.__The improvements to the capital improvement district
made by the municipality; and

D.__The total cost of those improvements, the schedule of
the assessed shares and contingency fees against the
property located within the district to pay for the
improvements and the degree to which those assessed shares
and contingency fees have been collected.

§5215.__Dissolution of capital improvement district

A capital improvement district created under this chapter
may not be dissolved until the debt created by the
improvements is finally discharged and the special assessments
levied for the purpose of providing for those improvements
have been paid or otherwise satisfied.__The municipal officers
shall dissolve a capital improvement district upon
certification of the discharge of debt. The certification of
the discharge of debt must be

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