LD 274
pg. 23
Page 22 of 38 An Act to Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine Page 24 of 38
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LR 1
Item 1

D.__A public hearing must be held pursuant to section
2528, subsection 5, only if any of the information
presented to the voters at the most recent public hearing
called pursuant to subsection 3 is changed prior to
inclusion on the ballot.

E.__The referendum to be voted on must be worded
substantially as follows: "As an owner of property in the
proposed capital improvement district described on the
reverse side of this ballot or in the attachment to this
ballot, are you in favor of authorizing the municipality
of _______ to apply a special assessment against the
property you own in the proposed capital improvement
district for a period of ____ years, for the purpose of
(description of improvements), with the total assessment
to all property owners within the capital improvement
district not to exceed $___________, plus a contingency of
no more than 25% of that assessment, all of which are
subject to the property tax collection and lien procedures
established by state law, and with said authorization
contingent on the voters of the municipality of _________
accepting the public costs for the capital improvement
district improvements before any work is done,
specifically described as (description of public

The voters shall indicate by a cross or check mark placed
against the word "Yes" or "No" their opinion of the same.

The municipal officers may proceed with conducting the
municipal referendum in accordance with subsection 5 only if
2/3 of those casting ballots pursuant to this subsection vote
to approve creating the capital improvement district.

5.__Referendum of municipal voters.__The referendum of the
municipal voters may not be called and conducted for the
purposes of this chapter unless the referendum held pursuant
to subsection 4 resulted in a 2/3 majority vote supporting the
ballot question.__If the referendum held pursuant to
subsection 4 received a 2/3 majority vote, the municipal
officers shall call and conduct a referendum for the voters of
the municipality to determine if the public elements of the
proposed capital improvement district authorized pursuant to
subsection 4 are authorized by the voters of the municipality.

A.__The method of calling and voting on the referendum
question is as provided in section 2528 except as
otherwise provided in this subsection.

B.__The referendum of the municipal voters must be
scheduled to occur within 45 to 90 days after the date of
the referendum held pursuant to subsection 4.

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