LD 274
pg. 19
Page 18 of 38 An Act to Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine Page 20 of 38
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LR 1
Item 1

Department of Administrative and Financial Services must consult
with the duly authorized bargaining agent or agents of the
employees.__Preference must be given to priority locations in
the following order:__service center downtowns, service center
growth areas and downtowns and growth areas in other than
service center communities.__If no suitable priority location
exists or if the priority location would impose an undue
financial hardship on the occupant or is not within a reasonable
distance of the clients and customers served, the facility must
be located in accordance with subsection 1.__The following state
facilities are exempt from this subsection:__a state liquor
store; a lease of less than 500 square feet; and a lease with a
tenure of less than one year, including renewals.

Sec. 45. 30-A MRSA c. 205-A is enacted to read:





As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise
indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.

1.__Assessed share.__"Assessed share" means a special
assessment that represents that portion of the total projected
cost of an improvement undertaken by a municipality in a
capital improvement district that is the obligation of an
owner of property within the capital improvement district. The
assessed share must be calculated by the municipal officers in
the same manner and according to the same standards as the
capital costs of sewer improvements are assessed pursuant to
sections 3442 and 3444, except the total assessment must be
calculated on the basis of the projected cost of the entire
improvement rather than any percentage of the projected costs
of the improvement, and no type of property within the capital
improvement district is exempt from the assessment.

2.__Capital improvement district.__"Capital improvement
district" means a defined area within a municipality that is
initially privately owned and that has been designated by the
municipality as a capital improvement district according to
the provisions of this chapter for the interrelated purposes
of fairly apportioning the costs of making necessary capital
improvements among the owners of property in the capital
improvement district and establishing the public elements of
the capital improvement district as municipally owned.

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