LD 133
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act to Clarify the Laws Relating to Public Water Systems LD 133 Title Page
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LR 47
Item 1

3. All existing contracts, agreements and compacts currently
in effect in the Board of Licensure of Water Treatment Plant
Operators continue in effect.

4. Any positions authorized and allocated subject to the
personnel laws to the former Board of Licensure of Water
Treatment Plant Operators are transferred to the Board of
Licensure of Water System Operators and may continue to be

5. All records, property and equipment previously belonging
to or allocated for the use of the former Board of Licensure
of Water Treatment Plant Operators become, on the effective
date of this Act, part of the property of the Board of
Licensure of Water System Operators.

6. All existing forms, licenses, letterheads and similar
items bearing the name of or referring to the Board of
Licensure of Water Treatment Plant Operators may be utilized
by the Board of Licensure of Water System Operators until
existing supplies of those items are exhausted.

7. That person appointed to the Board of Licensure of Water
System Operators who represents a very small water system
shall serve the balance of the term of the former member who
represented consumers of public water systems. Thereafter,
the term of the representative of a very small water system is
subject to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22, section 2624-
A, subsection 2.


This bill renames the Board of Licensure of Water Treatment
Plant Operators as the Board of Licensure of Water System
Operators and changes the membership of the board to require a
representative of a "very small water system," as that term is
defined in rules of the board. The bill also makes other
changes to clarify that the board has licensing and regulatory
powers over water distribution system operators as well as
water treatment system operators.

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