LD 133
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act to Clarify the Laws Relating to Public Water Systems Page 6 of 6
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LR 47
Item 1

Sec. 9 22 MRSA §2628, first ¶, as amended by PL 1995, c. 442, §7, is
further amended to read:

The Board of Licensure of Water Treatment Plant System
Operators, in accordance with any other appropriate state
laws, shall make such rules as are reasonably necessary to
carry out the intent of this subchapter. The rules must
include, but are not limited to, provisions establishing
requirements for licensure and procedures for examination of
candidates and such other provisions as are necessary for the
administration of this subchapter.

Sec. 10. 22 MRSA §2629, as amended by PL 1995, c. 442, §7, is
further amended to read:

§2629. Fees

The application examination fees, licensure fees, biennial
renewal fees and reinstatement fees must be established by the
Board of Licensure of Water Treatment Plant System Operators
by rule and must be based upon different classifications of
water treatment systems and the levels of competence to
operate various water systems. The application fee
examination and licensure fees may not exceed $35 $70, and the
biennial renewal fee and the reinstatement fee may not exceed
$30 $60. Revenues derived from applicants failing the
examination must be retained.

Sec. 11. 22 MRSA §2630, as amended by PL 1999, c. 688, §7, is
further amended to read:

§2630. Licensure

If a supplier of water public water system loses its
licensed operator, it shall secure a new licensed operator or
enter into a contractual agreement with a licensed operator of
proper classification until a new operator has been employed
for the supplier of water that public water system.

Sec. 12. Transition provision.

1. The Board of Licensure of Water System Operators is the
successor in every way to the power, duties and functions of
the former Board of Licensure of Water Treatment Plant

2. All existing rules, regulations and procedures in
effect, in operation or promulgated in or by the Board of
Licensure of Water Treatment Plant Operators or any of its
administrative units or officers are hereby declared in effect
and continue in effect until rescinded, revised or amended by
the proper authority.

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